Thursday, December 11, 2003


Headache's gone, thankyouverymuch.

Yesterday I really felt the baby moving around for the first time. I'd had flutterings before, but they were so faint I couldn't be sure of what they were. But yesterday, and during the night (they woke me up!) I could feel very obvious movements, with my hand on my belly. I woke up my husband to put his hand on my belly too. It's so exciting! It really feels like a stronger connection once you feel it moving, like it's a real little entity in there, one that you are going to meet one day soon.

This is what they used to call "The Quickening", and I thought I had read somewhere that it was believed that the soul entered the baby at this time. Don't quote me on that, but I like the idea. It makes sense to me, because, as I said, I really feel like it's a real little person in there now, whereas before I couldn't connect with it that way.

It's all so fun. I'm so glad I'm doing this all again. I would have been sad never to do it again. I wasn't ready to give up the pregnancy, newborn, new-mother thing just yet. After this one? Most defini-probably!

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