Monday, March 15, 2004

Shallow TV stuff

I don't even look forward to Survivor anymore. The All-Stars Edition sucks, frankly. It is wall-to-wall with eveything I find boring about Survivor: strategizing, planning and backstabbing.

The only semi-interesting part is seeing how one tribe is so much healthier and happier than the other. But even then, the healthy tribe is constantly "thinking about the merge" and making strategic relationships.

Even the two "crises" so far were not really water-cooler-worthy and were in fact kind of calculated and constructed. Nothing seems to be natural and the simple result of throwing a bunch of humans together in difficult conditions.

I want to see a Survivor shake-up, where all bets are truly off and nobody knows what's going on. These players are just too savvy, and the producers too manipulative, to make really interesting viewing.

I think I'm gonna give the rest of this season a miss.

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