Friday, June 25, 2004

It's a Girl!!

...and she's already seven weeks old. Apologies for my long absence to any remaining readers, but, ya know, having a baby and two older children makes for a very busy and very tired becca. Any spare 5 minutes usually goes towards personal hygiene (read: shower) or trying to wash my windows. Yes, I'm still a stupid freak about housework even now, at the one time where I might forgive myself for letting things go a little... But a few words about the baby: She's perfect and sweet and smiley and I'm so totally in love with her I feel like I'm floating sometimes. She was born May 7th after a longer-than-the-others-but-not-very-long labour. My god, but giving birth is the most incredibly weird and delirious experience! During the pushing phase I grabbed D's shirt and told him "remind me never to do this again!" But all is well and Fiona Joy is a happy addition to our family.

I'll try to post again soon, so don't stop checking in, dear readers...

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