Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The test

Today I am trying to grab time for studying for my "knowledge test" (for driver's permit), in between housework and baby/children duties. My test is tomorrow and my wonderful husband will take some time off work to drive me to the testing place and look after the baby while I write the test. I really appreciate it, especially since he is still new at his job.

I had plotted out my trip to get there using public transit, but couldn't find anyone who could look after the baby once I got there (or here at home while I was to be away). My mom teaches a bible study class three mornings a week and she can't really cancel that, as she teaches quite a number of people in each group.

I had a panic when I realized last week that my birth certificate isn't the kind required to get my driving permit, so I had to apply for a new one and pay extra for express expedition. Then I realized last night that there is a whole other book I was supposed to have studied that I haven't looked at yet. Zoinks!

Hub told me that his friend has the whole test - with answers - on disc at home. He says that if you answer the question "What can't you transport in the back of a pick-up?" with the answer "a dog", you get the easier version of the test. What the...?

When people wonder why I haven't got my license before this, I can now tell them with conviction: It's hard to take care of all the bureaucratic and family arrangements and find time to study! I really haven't studied nearly as much as I would have liked, and don't even feel confident that I will pass this thing. Talk about humiliating! Let's hope I get the easy test. I'll be looking for that dog in the back of a pick-up truck.

Wish me luck, please, cuz I'm gonna need it.

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