Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Food Stuffs

Did I tell y'all that I watched Supersize Me? It was much better (higher-quality) than I expected, and it was really very good, and scary even though I already knew what would happen to the dude as a result of eating nothing but **retch** McShite for a month.

I went to bed that night full of dread and kind of depressed, for my children and the world. My children eat really well though, and today my son told me that his friend brought "somesing reawwy gross" to school in his snack. When I asked what it was he said "McDonald's apples" (They're trying to provide "healthy choices" on their menus now, which is kind of funny). Okay, so it needs refining, but I'd say the brainwashing is going pretty well.

On the subject of nutrition, I took my baby for a checkup today and the doctor laughed at me for worrying about the fact that I give her citrus fruit and peanut butter even though she's not yet a year old. He said "I get people in here who put beer in their baby's bottle to put them to sleep. I'm not worried about your children's nutrition." Yikes.

Mmmm. Beeeer.

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