Monday, February 28, 2005

March break

'Tis the week where all students get a week off to... to, er... study for exams and work on papers? Why, exactly, do my children have more time off school?

Not that I mind. In fact, the older ones are up north at my sister's place for two nights. I miss 'em! We went up yesterday to bring them and had a lovely afternoon and, as usual, a beautiful supper, effortlessly prepared by my phenomenal sister. I don't know how she does it, but we just seem to hang out and talk for hours and then she's suddenly pulling pans of hot delicious dishes out of the oven and taking in a tray of lemon blueberry tarts from the cold porch. I just drink red wine and marvel at her genius. Really, if I weren't so sated with good food and wine I might be envious of her domestic talents.

Watched an hour of the Oscars, which seemed curiously flat and dull, despite some interesting innovations in presentation. And my love for Chris Rock doesn't blind me to the fact that the Academy Awards is not the right venue for his talents. And what was with the set design? Hideously reminiscent of "Solid Gold" and other variety shows of the 70s. There were some awesome dresses though, and Johnny Depp to stir my heart (and other parts). Renee Zellwegger frightens me more every time I see her. Can rapid weight loss make you old and mentally unstable? Or is she drinking? After watching her "walk" across the stage I think the latter explanation might fit: She looked like I feel when I'm trying to appear as though everything's normal but I'm drunk as a skunk.

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