Friday, February 25, 2005


At the risk of sounding hypocritical, I have to say that I disagree with our Prime Minister's decision to part ways with the U.S. on the issue of the Missile Defense Shield. Yes, I hate war-mongering and the idea of the militarization of space. But I have read a lot about war and hate, and in recent years I have awakened to the nasty idea that I may not always be safe and sound here in my peace-loving country. After 9/11 (yes, I have to invoke it in a discussion like this) I had ambivalent feelings about being next door to the U.S.. But mostly -- I hate to admit it -- I felt glad to have the big bruiser on the block living next door to me. I wanted to ply him with baked goods and mow his lawn just for the privilege of proximity and good, neighbourly feelings, just in case we were ever in danger from people who might like to take some of what Canada has enjoyed for so long.

Besides, as D. pointed out this morning, the whole missile defense thing might never even happen, so by agreeing to it we may have fostered good "we're in this together" feelings without risking too much.

But Paul Martin is feeling insecure in his minority government, and he wants to appease the majority of Canadians, who seem to be against the shield.

I just hope we never have occasion to regret our reluctance to sign on.

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