Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Insomnia sucks

Haven't slept properly in many a long day. It doesn't make me much fun to be with, and my poor kids are hanging around the house in these dog days of summer. We go out and have fun, but man is it exhausting when you're runnin' on nearly empty all the time.

I just got another job -- an ongoing-type thing that's more editing than writing. That's in addition to the possibility of another ongoing job that's seems to be coming my way soon, tho' I don't know when. Plus I hope that the NFB will continue to give me work after this contract's done.

It's early days yet, but I'm very pleasantly surprised at the way the work seems to be coming in.

Now if I can just get a few nights' sleep under my belt and get these kids off to school, I might just make a go of this freelancing thing. But first, vacation!

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