Thursday, October 06, 2005

Not watching Lost and eating chips, for once

Went to see a show last night, for the first time in, like, forever. My friend L. took me out to see Nashville Pussy at the Cafe Campus. It was really fun! The band was totally hot and super fun to watch. If you don't know them, they're a guy singer with two women, guitarist and bass, and a guy drummer. The singer is a screamer from Kentucky, the guitarist is his sexy, kick-ass wife, and the bass player is another sexy rock goddess. They do a whole sex, drugs, angry fun thing, and it rawks.

The crowd was older than I expected. Not having been to a show in years, I expected everyone to be 20, but this was a 30s and even 40s crowd, mostly guys, pretty mixed with lots of old punks, but rockers and country-punk looking people. I felt good, not like an old lady, as I half expected. I dressed in a somewhat daring outfit, as I thought fit the (slutty band) occasion, and didn't stand out as either a slag or a prude, I don't think.

The only negatives: Smoky bar and really lame lights and sound. The smoke we have to live with I guess, but Cafe Campus -- step up and get some good equipment and technicians, already. Okay? Okay!

I have my first driving lesson tonight. Stay off the road, suckers!

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