Friday, October 14, 2005

Turns out high school does maybe prepare you for life

Frightening episode of The Apprentice last night. The blonde faction of the women's team is exactly like something out of my West Island adolescence. Felisha is like a caricature of the uptight bitch who rallies the other nasty girls to gang up on the girl she doesn't like. Not that Toral didn't deserve to be fired. It's just too easy to say that everything is "beneath your dignity" and do nothing. It's much harder to just muck in and get the job done with people you don't like. But those blonde chicks just seemed to enjoy berating her a lit-tle too much, and like, how many times can you say "step up" in one episode of a show? I almost hurled my slipper at the TV. I'm finding this season of The Apprentice hard to watch, so I think I'll abandon ship. I watch enough TV as it is.

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