Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The baby delighted the whole family last night at supper. She "crossed" her arms (Her arms are so short and her tummy so big that it's really just her hands joining across her front. Very cute) and said "Oh boy-o-boy-o-boy". She was imitating her father, who had just done/said the same thing. In her voice it was priceless. Good times.

It's warm(ish) and raining today, so I think I'll go to the library for a while and then try to get a little Christmas shopping done. I'm putting together a package to send to my sister in Germany, and I'd like to get it done by the weekend. It's a good life, this stay-at-home thing. I can decide what I want to do and adjust my activities to suit the weather. Some days that seems like the ultimate luxury. If I could just be paid for looking after my own kids, I'd be sittin' pretty.

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