Thursday, November 03, 2005

My Two Cents

As someone with absolutely no interest whatsoever in video games or gaming of almost any kind for that matter, perhaps this is not something I should weigh in on, But... since there was a big article about it in today's paper, I figure why not...

I agree with Warren Spector that the games industry needs to expand its appeal, or in his words, "We've got to stop limiting ourselves to adolescent male power fantasies". However, I think that such a change would be good for every possible reason other than the financial one. Look around you at just about every entertainment medium; adolescent male power fantasies are shoved down our throats every day. They're everywhere, from the Parasuco Jeans billboards to Survivor (all right, not much of a leap, it's all trash-pop culture) to so-called indie intellectual films like Sideways. (Why, exactly, does the nice, beautiful woman go out with the jerk-off wine know-it-all in the end? Well, just because, okay? A guy wrote it!)

By all means, expand the thinking behind game design to appeal to a broader audience (of broads, presumably), if you can do such a thing when probably 99% of game designers are geeky man-boys. But just as you'll never go broke underestimating the taste of the American public (P.T. Barnum), I don't think the games industry is going to go under appealing to the reptilian brain and the testosterone rush that drives the interests of the male of the species.

Also, I just think that most women don't have that kind of time to waste, but that's another discussion altogether.

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