Friday, January 20, 2006

Buds, Brownies, Bra

Went into my old office yesterday to do some work on the new contract (I'm working on this contract part-time, much of it at home). Boy, it's fun to see your old buds, but it took me half an hour to get in the second door of the double doors leading into the office 'cause I kept being waylaid by friends! It was great. I loved the people there when I was working there regularly, and I've missed them in my new stay-at-home mom/freelance writer gig. I knew I wasn't leaving forever, though, so I didn't feel too sad about going, and now I feel really -- like REALLY -- good that I'm only back part-time and temporarily. The job itself is fun, too, and right up my alley. And the babysitting arrangement seems to make everyone happy, so all is well so far...

My daughter is going on a sleepover with her Brownie troop tonight, and on a "winter fun" day tomorrow. Lucky duck! Have I mentioned before how happy I am that she's in Brownies? I'm living vicariously through her, as I wasn't allowed to join Brownies, despite my pleading, when I was young. Sigh. I'd like to get my son into Scouts too.

A friend called me up last night and asked if I'd like to play badminton with her one or a couple of evenings a week, in a local school gym. It sounds like fun! I'm gonna check it out. I could use a few laughs and a bit of jumping around. Better get a jogging bra.

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