Friday, February 03, 2006

Exile on mainstream

Ooo, Survivor can make me feel bad sometimes, in a very detached and judgemental way. Last night's Episode One of Exile Island had some fun moments. I'd have to say that the greatest innovation to the Survivor format is not the 4 teams, not the exile punishment, but bringing in a guy who's using Survivor as de-tox from a 3-pack-a-day smoking habit! Hoo-weee, if that doesn't make for entertaining TV, then I don't know TV.

What made me feel bad was, of course, the end, where the "Older women" team voted out the "Lumber Jill" (who knew?) Tina. The poor, poor woman had just lost her 16-year-old son, her only child, in a car accident 4 months before shooting. When she went to the beach to think about him and have a little cry, the other women on her team were all like, "What's she doing. She's all alone. That's just weird." Jesus! That's why I could never be on Survivor. I could eat bugs, maybe even chew up unborn birds in their eggs, but I couldn't hack the team-group-think bullshit that seems to result in the weak yes-person making it to the final 2 every time. On Survivor "flying under the radar" = going along with what the strong, leader-type people do while plotting behind their backs. It's a reflection of society, and a lesson for getting ahead in life, but it sucks. If you can't go off and be alone and think your own thoughts, you are in exile. From yourself.

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