Thursday, June 08, 2006


You know what? I completely forgot to answer the latest question in my mesmerizing series "Ask Me Anything!". It was from L. and it concerned the Bible verse that refers to rich people and camels and needles... or something. No, just kidding; I know exactly what she's referring to and have been thinking about it on and off (mostly off) for the past few weeks, but haven't had the chance to do any real research. But I've just sent off a load of writing work that I've been doing, so maybe now I'll have time to put something together. It's an interesting idea and deserves some discussion.

Speaking of work, it's been super-interesting and stimulating, but has taken up much of my "free" (non-parenting) time of late. I'm way behind on the mundane administrative tasks of home management: bill-paying, form-filling, phone-calling, etc. Maybe I can get some of that shit done before week's end. What do you think? Maybe not.

On Tuesday I took the kids to the pool for the first time this season. It's so wonderful, and felt like summer had begun. It's made the week seem so long, having that summery fun in the middle of it. It's hard for the kids to be in school when the weather's so fine. It doesn't feel right somehow. I don't envy the poor teachers dealing with all those distracted monkeys.

I went to my big girl's class yesterday to listen to the kids each tell a personal story from his or her life. It was very cute and the stories were funny. U's was called "Couché sous le lit" and it was about the time when she was 6 months old and we took her to England. We stayed at my Uncle's house for a night and, since they didn't have a baby bed, we made a little bed for her on the floor beside our own bed, where we figured she'd be safe. All was well when we went to sleep. When we woke up, she was gone. We looked all over for her, gradually getting more and more worried and sick-feeling. Finally we heard a little coo and giggle from underneath our bed. She had rolled under there sometime in the night and had been fast asleep. It was cute, and made for a funny story when she told it in front of the class.

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