Sunday, July 16, 2006


I'm not a summer person. As I've mentioned before, I'm a winter person, and above all I think I'm an autumn person. Who cares, right? Well, nobody; but if I only wrote interesting stuff on this blog it wouldn't exist, and then, well, let's not get into that discussion... Anyway, the point is that I'm having a hard time with the hot weather. I was already having a hard time with summer in general, in that it really just seems to be one long slog, running around after other people, bringing kids here and there so that they Get The Most Out of Summer (a stupid concept; kids get a whole lot out of summer no matter what. They're not stitching together Persian rugs 12 hours a day, after all.) and just generally running and getting hot and tired when all I want to do is sit and read.

Well, up until two days ago I was able to look at the bright side and feel quite happy despite my fatigue. But man, have I ever been in a bad mood these last couple of days! Whooo! I hate everything: air conditioning, lack of air conditioning, the sun, the rain, the sky, the bugs, people in general -- you name it. I don't hate my kids, who are nice and cute and can't help being incredibly self-centred and seeing me as a servant. My husband? well, let's just say he's not the luckiest guy in the world to be married to me this weekend. I hope to shift my attitude, because I hate being a witch. I just need that fucking goddamn sun to stop trying to fry me. And the rain? Well, it had just better stay out of my fucking face and only come out while I'm sleeping. And don't get me started about the air conditioner. I don't even want to look at it. But it had better not even think about cutting out on me, or it's going out the window on its fat drippy arse.

If you don't have a feverish kid sitting on you at the moment, I don't wanna hear it :-)
Hi Becca,
I laughed out loud at your July 16 blog. You are hilarious, even when you are depressed. Persian rugs and fat drippy arse! You slay me, baby. Keep on keepin' on. And call me when you need a break.
xo linda
PS Real witches don't drive. They FLY.
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