Wednesday, July 05, 2006


What unsettled weather we've been having... It's funny how the weather seems to reflect your inner life sometimes; there's a word for that delusion, but I can't think of it right now.

I'm feeling unsettled because I don't know what to do... Should I continue to look for work because we're poor, or should I concentrate on trying to start up my own (our own) business? I'm scared to start a business so I'm leaning towards the easier way, getting a job. But I want to start a business so that D. and I will be working for ourselves and our future and fulfilling a dream that we've had together since we first started dreaming together.

We have the idea (not a terribly original one, but that's okay), a location, the moral support of friends and family. All we need is to get up and do it, and of course get some financing. That's the scary part of course. Neither of us is really very good with money. And besides, what if we fail? Won't we look like fools?

Hmmm... It's raining and sunny and cloudy and bright and you never know what it's gonna do next.

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