Sunday, August 27, 2006

This blog sucks!

How did I go from being someone who only blogged about her children on very rare occasions to someone who seems to blog about nothing but her children? The answer is very simple: summer. I'm surrounded by children all the time and they take up every square centimetre of my brain space. If it's boring you to tears, I apologize. The kids return to school on Tuesday and with any luck I may even get a job outside the home (part-time, hopefully). Maybe then I'll blog something worth reading.

Thank you for your patience.

If this blog sucked, why would I keep tuning in? C'mon honey! It's all good and we loves ya.
xo linda
Thanks dollface. You know that my self-effacement is only a put-on. Really I think I'm great and everything I write is worth publishing to a world audience!
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