Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Never shop the CBC shop

I'd like to start the new year with a happy post about what a wonderful holiday season we enjoyed. I will do that, but that's gonna have to come second, because I must tell all and sundry that the CBC Shop SUCKS. I ordered a Christmas present (a CD of Christmas stories ferbabyjesussake!) that not only didn't get there by Christmas, but never got there at all, and when I called to find out what the hell was going on with my order I was told they ran out of the item early on and there were so many people who weren't going to get it that they couldn't contact everyone. No e-mail; no "This item is back-ordered" when I ordered it, not a thing to let me know that my dear dear friend wouldn't get his present --- ever. Ever heard of automatically-generated e-mails, CBC dorks? How about a little message when you order, telling the unwitting online shopper when an item is not available? Not too much to ask, is it?

You know what's the most frustrating part of this? The only recourse I have is to write about it on my blog, and my blog is only read by 3 people in the entire world. I have no power. My new new year's resolution? Achieve world domination by December 31, 2007. Or at least place my Christmas order in August.

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