Monday, November 12, 2007

In case anybody still reads this dang thing

The first semester of teaching is -- as I knew it would be -- difficult, scary, tightrope-walking-feeling and did I mention difficult?

What I didn't expect at all is how complicated it would be to deal with so many other human beings, each with his or her own problems, weaknesses, strengths, annoying excuses, etc.

Another thing I didn't expect is how intense it would be psychologically. If I end up leaving it all behind, it will probably be due to this. More detail another time, perhaps, but suffice it to say that performance brings out my neuroses the way nothing else can. And teaching is, to a great extent, performance. Hello, neurotic me! How I hate you.

I have decided to read your blog since I left Montreal. This way I will still feel like I'm active in your life. So please keep writing.
Also Neurotic isn't so bad. What it really it means is to: suddenly wag your bum

ne: new : recent
ur: tail
otic: of, relating to, or characterized by a (specified) action, process, or condition
Hey Squirrel,

Well, duh.

The only thing is, there's nothing sudden about me wagging my bum.

Speaking of...Have you ever bought the brand of rice called Wag Wag Bigass? F'real!

No, but I'd love to have some. Where do you get it? So far here in Ottawa there are only Loblaws and Loebs. I hope to find better soon.
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