Friday, November 23, 2007

Quite a week

Well, this has been...Well look at the title, willya? Sorry, I'm a little on edge, what with the extra course I've taken on and one thing and another. Things are well under control now, but it has been tiring adding this into my already jammed schedule. The bright side is that the semester is very nearly over, and while I'll miss my students (My first! Sob!), I will certainly welcome a bit of time to rest and regroup.

I'm looking forward to:

Speaking of reading, I ordered the new illustrated Life of Pi. It's a thing of beauty. I passed it around with great pride last night in my class. It was all I could do to keep from sniffing it continuously while the students were doing a writing assignment.


I almost bought that! But it is too expensive for me at this moment. Can't wait for you to visait (that's imparfait for visit) too!
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