Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry merry

Now my first semester really does seem to be over. I've marked all the final assignments and brought them in to the office so that the students who care can pick them up and look at their comments. The final grades were submitted last week, with only one or two complications. I now have to tackle the enormous pile of papers and books that accumulated while I was careening wildly through the semester with barely time to take a breath. I had a whole lot of really nice feedback from students, more than I ever could have hoped for, even from the ones I subbed for for a few weeks. The only dark cloud was an incidence of plagiarism so blatant I couldn't (and wouldn't anyway) pretend it wasn't there. This has caused me way more anxiety than it should have, but I'm now ready to enjoy the holidays. I'm about 80% done my shopping (hello debt!), and I have only one child and no husband this weekend, so doing the rest of the Chrismas prep is looking manageable.

I wish all my friends and family a holiday season and new year filled with joy and peace.

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