Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The March of Time

Well, I'm on my March "break", which, truth be told, has been pretty nice so far. I spent the whole of Monday cleaning my house, but it had been so long since I'd had the time to do that, (time alone, that is) that it was a good experience. And the result is very satisfying. I miss housework. How sad is that?

Today I must dedicate to the marking of mid-term essays, a bewilderingly time-consuming part of this job, one that just about every teacher would rather outsource if they could.

We are patiently awaiting the arrival of our puppy. He is coming to us in May, on an airplane from B.C. It's a long story. We are so looking forward to meeting him and having a dog, and I have the whole blessed summer to get to know him and help him to learn and adjust to life in this family.

Things are not so great in my life right now, but the kids are all happy and well, and the incipient arrival of Spring is gladdening all of our hearts these days. It's so nice to go out for a walk or bike ride after supper, while it is still light. Despite the unbelievable volume of garbage that appears when the snow melts (always a shock -- Where does it come from? I mean, a sippy cup? How did that get there?) we have the feeling that possibility is all around us. The optimism of Spring.

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